Hey Gorgeous!
I just want to send some encouragement your way this morning. Every time I meet a new client my cup becomes a little more full. Not only
because my clientele is growing but because I have some amazing clients and you literally inspire me with your conversation! So I'm writing you today to hopefully inspire
When I started braids by Kia I was servicing friends and family in my two bedroom apartment, with my two dogs, and a roommate. At first
I was taking clients for extra spending money. Now two years later serving you is my full time job. God is amazing!
My hope for you today is that whatever goal you have and are sitting on, SHARE IT! Don't be afraid. You never know who wants to support
you or is in need of a service you can provide. If entrepreneurship isn't for you maybe there is a position on your job that you want. Go for it! Many times we are the obstacle that stands in the
way of our own greatness.
I was recently discussing 2018 New Year resolutions with a client and I shared with her I want to overcome mediocrity in 2018. My life is far
from mediocre but I want to overcome those days when I may not feel like studying, ordering new business cards, or seeking a new way to promote my business. We all want Beyonce's lifestyle but do
we have her work ethic? The only thing that makes Beyonce different than you or me is that she faces her fears.
So lovely I challenge you to do something that scares the mess out of you! After you do that, do it again, and again. You want to write a
book? Write it! There are many self pushing websites available. You want to be a motivational speaker? Facebook Live is the best way to start. Want to become a makeup artist? There are many
classes available for you to learn and get certified. Whatever your goal is, you name it there is a way. So get started!
This post got longer then I intended and I could keep going but I'll save some for another day.
As always, I'll see you at your next appointment.
Love you mean it!
P.S The journey isn't easy but it's worth it! I promise.