Hey Gorgeous!
I hope this message finds you well. Ok don't judge me, I tried writing this post a few times but I didn't feel inspired so I walked away and decided to come back to it.
Welp 2 days later here I am. I just got off the phone with a good friend and she shared some news with me that inspired me.
So my friend called to let me know she ended a business relationship with someone I know. The funny thing is I wanted to congratulate them both. Here's why... Sometimes we hold on
to what's safe or familiar to us way longer then we should. You might ask, "Kia what does that have to do with me?" A lot!
If you are unhappy with where you are in any area of your life take a mental note. Maybe it's time to ask God to remove some thing, some people, or some situations from your life
that are stunting your growth. You never know what you are missing out on because you haven't made room in your life.
So my dear don't be afraid of the changes that are coming in your life! God has greater for you. That's it :-) Don't be a stranger!
I hope to see you soon. Love you mean it!
P.S. If you want to talk more about this subject just call or email me and we can chat.